Getting on top of Anxiety in COVID-19

Getting on top of Anxiety in COVID-19

Feeling anxious in certain situations can help us avoid danger, it’s how we’ve evolved to keep ourselves safe. Even if you are not typically an anxious person, it’s common to feel some anxiety during periods of change or uncertainty. If you’re feeling anxious or worried… Read more

Living through coronavirus with depression

Living through coronavirus with depression

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought abrupt changes to daily life and has forever changed how we work, play, socialise and learn at school. Whilst some people have been able to take the changes of the last two years “in their stride” and adapt successfully, many… Read more

Book your COVID Vaccine Booster Dose Today

Dear Patients, With the recent changes to the vaccine program announced in late October, please find below a quick summary update: The Commonwealth Government has announced that all people 18 years and over are eligible to have a Covid vaccine booster (Pfizer). Please note the… Read more

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